Interning At Genius House - Video Production Internships

Andrew + Intern = Antern will be his nickname

Andrew + Intern = Antern will be his nickname

Post Grad Entry #1

For most, post grad life is full of florescent lights, angry bosses and water cooler talk. One week into my internship at Genius House and it seems I have avoided that monotonous fate.

After several years of production studies and an internship, I found myself curious about other aspects of media. Sure, it takes a lot of skill to create high-end videos, but what about afterwards? How can you take your product and magnify its effectiveness? Many production houses hand you a finished product, then leave you to figure out the rest.

Enter, Genius House Media.

For my generation, social media is taking over marketing, so you’d better have a plan on how to reach the millions of daily users. Genius House adds another dimension to the production game. This team not only creates exceptional content, but provides clients with a proven strategy on how to use it. Their unique combination of capabilities sparked my interest immediately. This opportunity at Genius House is allowing me to develop my career on the production side, while learning how to effectively market through new media. This was an element missing from my other work experiences.

Over the next few months I’ll have the chance to expand my creativity, hone my writing and learn a whole new side to media. This may take many hours on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make. So here’s to learning new skills, even after the diploma!

Your Genius House Intern,
